PetRad LLC

Veterinary Imaging & Nuclear Medicine

Radiology • Ultrasound • CT • MRI • Radioiodine Therapy


metropolitan veterinary associates

appointments - 610 - 666 - 1050

fax - 610 - 666 - 1199

How do I enroll my clinic to submit cases online?


Please call (866) 669-8090 or e-mail and ask to enroll your hospital as a PetRad client.

Do I need to use special software?

No, our online referral system uses your existing DICOM software along with web-based forms for submission of cases.

Why is this better for my hospital?

Online submission yields improved turnaround time for your reports. Cases you submit will be archived online, and you can view your images and reports online at any time. STAT submissions are now an option when submitting a case for interpretation (additional STAT fee will apply).

How do I submit cases?

You login through the PetRad website using your hospital’s ID and password prior to submitting your cases. Your images will be submitted to the imaging servers directly, after which you will complete a request for interpretation in your web browser

Can I choose a radiologist?

Your case will be read by the first available radiologist. PetRad works with a select group of trusted, ACVR board-certified radiologists to provide high quality reports and fast turn-around time.

Can I e-mail images?

All images must be submitted using either direct DICOM transfer or using the online web-based file uploader.

Can I fax referral forms to PetRad?

All requests for interpretation of digital images must be submitted using the web-based submission system.

How will I receive reports?

You have a choice of e-mailed or faxed reports, and you can choose to receive both. You can also retrieve past reports using the website at any time.

What if I have a question about a report?

All e-mailed reports are cc’d to the interpreting radiologist. Please contact the radiologist directly by e-mail with any questions about a report.

How will I be billed?

Your hospital will be billed monthly for all cases submitted to PetRad for interpretation.

What if I need technical support?

Technical support is available by calling (866) 669-8090 or opening a support ticket.